Wasted Life (2012)

Media I've consumed/created this year in one-line reviews.


TV: Dexter S7. Hate Hannah & LaGuerta! WTF Quinn? Dammit Deb! This show is running out of redeeming characters.
Movie: Pitch Perfect. Movie Night with the girls! The ultimate chick flick for a Glee junkie! Fat Amy = $$$!
Movie: Rain Man. Hans Zimmer makes such timeless music. I was 1 when this released, but that theme motif is forever.
Movie: Easy A. My favorite scene was easily the pencil sharpening exchange between Bynes & Stone! Hilarious!
Movie: Hugo. Was too slow for my tastes. Kinda forgettable as well.
Movie: Safety Not Guaranteed. Plaza's character Darius seems like a movie re-incarnation of her P&R character April.
Movie: Lincoln. Lots of inspiring speeches & great performances in this well told history about the abolishment of slavery.
Mixtape: Chillzone: The Recovery Edition. Post marathon recovery mix. Deep House/UK Funky/Chillout.
Mixtape: RnBass. Baby making, slow burn, bass-heavy, R&B reworks.
Comic: Locke & Key (Arc 1-5). Ksenia recommended on Lost Girl panel. So good! Seriously should be a movie!


Audio: Quitter x J. Acuff. Must read if you're thinking about quitting your day job and pursuing your dream job.
Movie: No Country For Old Men. Riveting in the "can't look away from a car crash" sense, but I wanted more closure.
Mixtape: Ilimitado. A custom club-house/trance mix for my friend Christine.


TV: NCIS S8 & S9. This show is consistently good. Gibbs is such a strong and fatherly character!
TV: Dexter S6. Deb loves Dexter! I kind of want to see this play out only b/c the actors were formerly married..


Movie: Conversations With God. Such an amazing true story to be inspired by! Definitely gonna read the books!
TV: Weeds S8. Pleasantly satisfied by this series finale. A show I will definitely miss.
eBook: Checklist Manifesto x A. Gawande. A must-read for anyone looking to take their chosen craft to the next level.
TV: House S8. Glad so much of the cast appeared in the finale. Satisfying ending to one of my favorite TV series.


Audio: Start With Why x S. Sinek. The most life changing book I "read" this year. Simon is my hero.
Movie: Once. Recommended by a co-worker. It's a romance fueled by shared love for music, how could I not love it?
Broadway: Once: The Musical. So much fun to experience! And funny to boot! Loved every moment to pieces!


Mixtape: Islnd Vybn. I went on a dance hall/reggae binge and this happened. Just something fun thrown together.


Movie: Animal House. There was a reference to this on Up...I can see how this brought entertainment downhill.
Movie: Kyss Mig. Swedish lesbians that don't die, break-up, or fall for a man? Definitely fiction.
TV: 2 Broke Girls S1. 2 Girls, 1 Cupcake Business venture. Sex jokes abound!


TV: House S7. Thirteen is BACK!!! I could watch a House vs Masters smackdown all day.
TV: Community S3. The 8-bit episode takes the cake! Save Community!
TV: Parks & Recreation S4. Comedy & political elections! Two of my favorite topics rolled up into a great plot arc!
TV: Lip Service S2. Kill Cat. Deport Frankie. Turn Sam manic. WTF show? But I love Sadie, Tess, and Lexy...


TV: Breaking Bad S2 & S3. I find most of these characters un-redeeming, yet I still tune in. Something is wrong with me.
Audio: Sway x O & R Brafman. The seminal book of behavioral psych.
eBook: Superfreakonomics x S Levitt & S Dubner. The truth about baby seats! But I can't forget ever seeing this.
Book: Wonder x RJ Palacio. "If you have a choice between being right, or being kind, choose kind." All ages, must read.


Movie: The Hunger Games. Too much compression from the book. Bit of a let down.
Movie: Game Change. HBO hits the mark on this film about the 2008 GOP VP nomination, Sarah Palin.
TV: Breaking Bad S1. Recommended by my good friend. Not what I expected to the say the least.


Mixtape: 2012 Promo - Haut Haus. A delicious serving of all things house, under my new artist name Jules Juke.


Movie: 21 Grams. A cryptic narrative that unfolds Pulp Fiction style, where the lead characters are all tragic and flawed.
Movie: Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows. Bests parts = Donkey & Urban Camouflage!

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Meet the Author

Hello, I am Jules Juke.
This is where I ramble, reflect, and refocus.