the limit does not exist

I have a feeling one of the reasons I don't blog very frequently has something to do with the fact that I'm not sure if I want this space to be about my DJing or about all the miscellaneous crap I think about on the regular.

For context, the content here started as my personal blog, which was mostly me waxing philosophical (and snarky) about music, but then I grew up and starting thinking about non-music stuff. That was obviously a trap. After buying the domain name to get serious about DJing, I realized I had no content to post so I rebranded my personal blog as In all honesty, I'm trying to get better about keeping up my social media game as a gigging DJ, but I'm very terrible at it.

All this goes to say that if I made this blog purely about DJing, it would be updated once a year, if that. ‾\_(ツ)_/‾ So allow me to apologize in advance if you came here looking for the latest updates on Jules Juke, but instead found IRL Julie.

IRL Julie is way less mysterious and cool than Jules Juke. She geeks out on personality theory, financial independence, career direction, doggies, and hiking. But she also DJs, so there will still be best of lists, festival recaps, and posts about her own DJ misadventures. 

Thanks for letting me have my Fi slice of the internet.

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Meet the Author

Hello, I am Jules Juke.
This is where I ramble, reflect, and refocus.